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Autor Thema: Planet kock is back - 13th and 14th of April in Ljubljana.  (Gelesen 2276 mal)


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Planet kock is back - 13th and 14th of April in Ljubljana.
« am: 06. Februar 2024, 10:25:05 Vormittag »

Gregor von Kocke klub informiert pber die folgende Ausstellung:
Viel Spaß!

Dear Ambassador

Planet kock is back at 13th and 14th of April in Ljubljana. Basic information is here:

I'm kindly asking you, if you can please share this information to your LUG members on Forum and/or Facebook, and If someone will have time to come, It will be great. :)

Please tell your members who'd like to participate as exhibitors at the event that they must fill this form until 15th of March:

If you have any questions, please just ask.

Thank you in advance!
Greetings from Slovenia,